Demont’s Story

Demont MitchellI was 23 years old, fresh out of college and just starting a great new job. Life was amazing. But on October 7, 2012, I stayed out all night and then fell asleep behind the wheel and crashed my car into a wall.

I remember waking up three weeks later in the hospital. I had suffered serious brain injury and had undergone a craniotomy performed at the Princess Margaret Hospital by neurosurgeon, Dr. Magnus Ekedede.  I was fortunate to still be alive.

My dad informed me that my experience is being used as the impetus to start the Mitchell Ekedede Brain Injury Foundation.

Brain injury comes in many forms and is a very serious problem which can be avoided. All too often people, like me, think brain injury can never happen to them. Wrong.  You are never too young or too old – yes, it can happen to you and it will turn your world upside down.  I can assure you that you never want to have my experience.

Demont Mitchell – Brain Injury Survivor and Co-Founder of the Mitchell Ekedede Brain Injury Foundation